32 Demands
cleanup-date|January 2005
The 32 Demands (Traditional Chinese: 32條處理大綱; pinyin: ti??o ch?? lǐ d?? gāng) were a list of proposals for governmental reform issued by the Committee to Settle the Monopoly Bureau Incident (a.k.a. Settlement Committee, 228事件處理委員會 or People's Purge Committee) during the 228 Incident which occurred in Taiwan in 1947.
During the first week or so following the general uprising against Republic of China government authorities under Chief Executive Chen Yi (KMT)|Chen Yi, most of Taiwan was under control of native Taiwanese under the guidance of the Settlement Committee and ROC. Governmental authority was limited to a few government compounds and garrisons. The Settlement Committee was comprised of legislators, high school and college students, lawyers, doctors, labor unions, as well as members of the general public. Moderates in the committee hoped to bring about reform in the corrupt provincial administration as opposed to general rebellion against the ROC Central Government in Nanjing. Others talked of Taiwan independence or even a U.S. protectorate. In Pingtung, a band of them sang The Star-Spangled Banner as they took over the town.
Following several days of deliberations, Taiwanese representatives from across the island delivered a list of 32 demands to the Office of the Chief Executive on the evening of March 7, 1947. Through the proposed reforms, they hoped to eliminate the rampant corruption in the existing administration and bring about democratic reforms. There was a sense of urgency during the deliberations as the representatives feared that if reinforcement troops from mainland China arrived before the demands were delivered and announced, Chief Executive Chen would be highly unlikely to accept them in what would be for him, a loss of face.
These fears were well founded as shortly afterwards ROC troops arrived from the mainland on the morning of March 9. Chief Executive Chen then began what became a massive crackdown against the native Taiwanese. The representatives of the Settlement Committee, as well as intellectuals and students were especially targeted for liquidation in the ensuing slaughter.
Reforms for equality in government
- Enactment of a Provincial Autonomy Law which will serve as the highest law on the provincial level.
- One of the major problems following the handover had been the production of many conflicting, and often contradictory laws. Oftentimes created at the whim of corrupt government officials to extort bribes.
- All government commissioners (ministers) must be confirmed by a democratically elected Council.
- Elections for Council seats must be held before June, 1947.
- At least 2/3 of the commissioners must be from people who have resided in Taiwan for more than ten years.
- The three previous provisions were intended to prevent the installation of carpetbaggers from the mainland to important government positions, as had been occurring since ROC administration of Taiwan began; as well as to prevent discrimination against residents of Taiwan prior to 1945
- Protection for civil liberties as well as the right of workers to strike. Abolishes requirements for the registration of newspapers.
- Removal of laws requiring that all candidates for public office be Kuomintang|KMT party members.
- Provides reform on laws governing the eligibility to run for public office.
- In previous elections, all candidates had to deal with numerous regulations designed to discourage persons undesirable to the KMT from running for office, such as hefty registration fees, civil service exams, and "background checks".
- Abolishment of the Office of the Chief Executive, to be replaced by a Provincial Government.
- The Chief Executive's Office was viewed to be extremely corrupt and undemocratic, as well as being subject to undue influence from the military.
Reforms to insure civil and property rights
- Popular election for all local government positions (i.e. mayors and magistrates), to be held before June, 1947.
- All local officials up to this point were appointed by the Chief Executive, and as a result were mostly carpetbaggers from the mainland
- Native Taiwanese were to be appointed as heads of police agencies, judges, and other members of the judicial system whenever possible.
- Prior to this, most of the criminal justice system had been packed by mainland appointees, most of whom were neither familiar with, nor cared much for Taiwanese interests.
- The civilian police are to be the only government agency with the power to arrest criminals.
- Prevents the use of the military for domestic law enforcement. Many corrupt government officials were also in the practice of arresting civilians on false charges and imprisoning them until a bribe could be extracted from their families. Also attempts to reestablish some semblance of law and order.
Economic reforms
- Only Income taxes, Luxury taxes, and Inheritance taxes shall be levied.
- Prior to this many government officials charged taxes of ridiculous amounts on almost every type of item or service imaginable, oftentimes amounting to little more then organized graft.
- Public enterprises will be headed by Taiwanese.
- Provides for a system of inspection of public enterprises and disposal of former Japanese properties.
- Abolition of the Monopoly Bureau and state run monopolies.
- Prior to this certain items such as salt, tobacco, liquor, and camphor were restricted to production and sale by the government, leading to artificially high prices. It was a conflict between Monopoly Bureau agents and a cigarette vendor which led to the outbreak of the 228 incident
Military reforms
- Military Police are restricted to arresting only military personnel.
- As many Taiwanese as possible shall be assigned to fill military posts on Taiwan.
- The Taiwanese had little interest in participating in the ongoing Chinese Civil War, especially since Political status of Taiwan|Taiwan's status at the time was still as an occupied territory. Troops from the mainland also had a reputation for being undisciplined and contemptuous towards Taiwanese.
- Abolition of the Taiwan Garrison Command to prevent abuse of military privilege.
Social welfare reforms
- Guarantee of the rights and privileges of the Taiwanese aborigines.
- Provides for workers' rights.
- Persons detained on charges of "war crimes" and "treason" are to be immediately released.
- Many Taiwanese who were the targets of official extortion or had offended a corrupt government official were detained on vague charges of "aiding the Japanese", or treason.
Secondary demands subject to compromise
- Abolition of "Vocational Guidance Camps".
- Oftentimes Taiwanese employees of companies or the government were ordered to participate in lengthy "Vocational Guidance Camps" which were simply designed to get them away from work long enough so that their jobs could be taken by mainland Chinese.
- The Central Government must pay for the sugar exported to the mainland by the Executive Yuan.
- The Central Government must pay for 150,000 tons of food exported to the mainland.
- The Central Government had confiscated an extremely large shipment of Taiwanese sugar without paying, then sold it on the mainland for an astronomical profit. Similar situations also occurred with Taiwanese rice leading to major shortages and artificial price inflation.
- history of the Republic of China
- The full list of the 32 Demands may be viewed in the appendix of http://www.formosa.org/~taiwanpg/kerr.pdf Formosa Betrayed, by George H. Kerr
- http://228.lomaji.com/news/040747b.html Snow Red & Moon Angel, Time 1947/4/7
Category:Chinese numbered policies|32
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Last Modified: 2005-11-04 |