42 Form (Competition Form) T'ai Chi Ch'uan
The 42 Form (Competition Form) T'ai Chi Ch'uan is the Wushu competition form which combines movements drawn from the Yang style T'ai Chi Ch'uan|Yang, Wu style T'ai Chi Ch'uan|Wu, Ch'en style T'ai Chi Ch'uan|Chen, and Sun style T'ai Chi Ch'uan|Sun styles of traditional Tai Chi Chuan (Taijiquan). It was created in 1989 by the Chinese Sports Committee to standardized the many different competition forms.
In the 11th Asian Games of 1990, Wushu was included as an item for competition for the first time with the 42 Form being chosen to represent T'ai Chi. It will be the form demonstrated at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing in the People's Republic of China.
External links
- http://www.taichiaustralia.com/42Forms.htm Tai Chi Competition and the Competition 42 Forms
- http://www.ohioshaolin.com/China%27s%20Arts/history_of_tai_chi_42_competitio.htm Tai Chi Chuan 42 competition Form - includes the names of each of the 42 steps.
- http://hungahungas.tripod.com/free_college_money.htm Tai Chi 42 Form
- http://www.taiji.de/taiji/head5_6/42-form.mpg - video of the 42 Form
- http://mediatheek.thinkquest.nl/~lla067/media/movies/taichi/42form.mpg
Category:T'ai Chi Ch'uan
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Last Modified: 2005-11-04 |