Alex Chiu
image:2002pic3.jpg|thumbAlexander Yuan-Chun Chiu (born February 8, 1971) is a San Francisco, California businessman who claims to have inventor|invented a number of products that allegedly achieve remarkable results, including immortality and curing of all disease|ailments. None of these claims have been independently verified. He claims he is now developing the true "heal the handicap machine". He is considered by manyhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Votes_for_deletion/Alex_Chiu to be an infamous snake oil salesmanhttp://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&safe=off&q=%22Alex+Chiu%22+%22snake+oil%22&meta= and Quackery|quackhttp://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=%22alex+chiu%22+quack&meta=
Among Chiu's creations is a pair of jewelry ring|rings which, when worn at night, are claimed to stop or even reverse the Senescence|aging process. Chiu or his representatives have been known to spam (electronic)|spam Usenet and email advertising such products since the mid 1990s.
His website is available in a number of languages, including English language|English, and has links to pages explaining his plans for, among other things, a world wide corporation, a device for teleportation, and a method for exactly divining the future. One of his web pages http://www.alexchiu.com/eternallife/backgrnd.htm claims that he is not Taiwan|Taiwanese but overseas Chinese|Chinese, that his device for afterlife|eternal life is not designed for Taiwan independence|Taiwanese who deny being Chinese, and that his favorite movie star is Alicia Silverstone (although he has more recently professed an infatuation with young actress Hilary Duff).
According to his website, he follows the Judaism|Jewish religion and bases much of his philosophy on the Old Testament (referred to as the Tanakh by Jews). He claims that immortality is possible as described in the Tanakh http://www.alexchiu.com/philosophy/13principle.htm, and offers predictions as to who he believes will be the Messiah. http://www.alexchiu.com/messiah.htm. He is also a supporter of the state of Israel, believing its establishment to be a fulfillment of Bible|Biblical prophecy.
He has recently been interviewed by the Discovery Channel.
Alex Chiu has also acheived internet fame through random pop-culture filled flash movies called Fanimutations.
- http://www.alexchiu.com/ alexchiu.com, http://www.immortalitydevice.com ImmortalityDevice.com, http://www.superiching.com Super I-Ching Alex Chiu's websites
- http://p200.ezboard.com/balexchiusimmortalitydevice Alex Chiu Discussion Forum The original forum hosted by Alex Chiu used to discuss his Immortality Devices, list Testimonials, his World Corporation plan, Super I-Ching (in addition to the above), German discussion, with three archives.
- http://p200.ezboard.com/falexchiusimmortalitydevicefrm8 Alex Chiu's Immortality Device The original Alex Chiu Immortality Device forum (hosted by Alex Chiu), intended for discussion of the theory behind Alex Chiu's products including the immortality rings, neodymium rings, footbraces, neodymium footbraces, ginseng, green tea, ionic breeze, chi, magnetic flux, electrons, etc. Also used by its users to discuss a myriad of other subjects including racism, sex, conspiracy theory, old testament, and nutrition.
- http://alexchiu.proboards28.com Alex Chiu International Supporters A recent and underpopulated discussion forum made by a fan to discuss Alex Chiu's ideology.
- http://www.wired.com/news/mp3/0,1285,51916,00.html Kazaa Lite K++, an add-on to the Kazaa software, also contains hidden information which blocks a number of websites the creator of K++ found offensive. Alexchiu.com is among these lists, and this means that anyone who clicked on an advertisement but had that software installed could not access the site and thus does not receive a click towards the advertiser's total count, which could formerly be used to get new rings. This was a critical blow towards the advertiser's reward systems, though not Alex Chiu himself as the site could be accessed at http://alexchiu.com in lieu of http://www.alexchiu.com, which has all the identical information, except for linking errors which all use www. necessitating that all links be entered manually and interfering with the operation of more complex systems.
- http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/immortality_ring/ Immortality_ring YahooGroups discussion list dedicated to Alex Chiu's immortality rings and foot braces.
- http://www.fadetoblack.com/wackorama/eternallife.html Chiu interview on fadetoblack wackorama
- http://www.rickb.com/alexchiu/ Alex Chiu Tribute Site "A site dedicated to all things Alex Chiu, the biggest freak on the Internet".
- http://slashdot.org/interviews/01/06/07/1421238.shtml Alex Chiu answers questions from Slashdot users
- http://home.comcast.net/~dwedit/flash/chiurpg.html Alex Chiu video game by Dwedit
- http://www.theohiogups.com/summerhitlist/Loseroftheyear.html Alex Chiu wins The Ohio GUPS' 2003 Loser of the Year Award
- http://www.blackpitchpress.com/alexchiu Alex Chiu Saves the World with His Genius a satirical comic-strip based on Alex Chiu and his philosophy
- http://web.morons.org/article.jsp?sectionid=7&id=1159 Alex Chiu is crazy
Category:1971 births|Chiu, Alex
Category:Chinese Americans|Chiu, Alex
Category:Pseudoscientists|Chiu, Alex
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Wikipedia article "Alex Chiu".
Last Modified: 2005-11-07 |