Cathay is the name that was given to northern China by Marco Polo (he referred to southern China as Manji). "Cathay" is an Anglicized version of the word Khitan, who were a tribe ruling predominantly in Northern China during Polo's visits.
Below is a diagram showing the progression from Khitan to Cathay as the word travelled westward:
- Uygur (Western China): Hyty
- Mongolian/Classic Mongolian: Hyatad(Хятад)/ Kitad
- Kazan Tatar (Central Russia): Qıtay
- Russian language|Russian: Kitai (Китай)
- Medieval Latin: Cataya, Kitai
- Italian language|Italian: Catai
- Portuguese language|Portuguese: Catai
- English language|English: Cathay
- Mongolia in world languages
- Hong Kong School Music Festival|Cathay Pacific Trophy
category:China category:History of China
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GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the
Wikipedia article "Cathay".
Last Modified: 2005-11-04 |