Chief Secretary for Administration
The Chief Secretary for Administration (政務司司長), commonly known as Chief Secretary and abbreviated as CS, is the second highest position of Hong Kong Government. The CS assists the Chief Executive of Hong Kong|Chief Executive (Governor of Hong Kong|Governor before the handover|transfer of sovereignty) in supervising the policy bureaux as directed by the CE and plays a key role in ensuring harmonisation in policy formulation and implementation. This is particularly important in areas which cut across policy bureaux.
The Chief Secretary also covers specific priority areas of the Chief Executive's policy agenda, and is responsible for forging a closer and more effective working relationship with the Legislative Council and for drawing up the Government's legislative programme.
The Chief Secretary for Administration also exercises statutory functions vested in him by law, such as those concerning the handling of appeals and certain public bodies.
Before the handover|transfer of sovereignty in 1997, the title was simply called "Chief Secretary" (布政司) Before 1976, the title was called "Colonial Secretary" (輔政司).
- Denys Tudor Emil Roberts|Sir Denys Tudor Emil Roberts (1976-1978)
- Jack Cater|Sir Jack Cater (1978-1981)
- Charles Philip Haddon-Cave|Sir Charles Philip Haddon-Cave (1981-1985)
- David Akers-Jones|Sir David Akers-Jones (1985-1987)
- David Robert Ford|Sir David Robert Ford (1987-1993)
- John Robert Morrison (1843-1844)
- Sir Frederick William Adolphus Bruce (1844-1854)
- William Caine (1854-1859)
- William Thomas Mercer (1859-1868)
- John Cardiner Austin (1868-1879)
- William Henry Marsh (1879-1887)
- Frederick Stewart (1887-1890)
- Francis Fleming (1890-1892)
- George Thomas Michael O'Brien (1892-1895)
- Sir James Haldane Stewart-Lockhart (1895-1902)
- Sir Francis Henry May (1902-1910)
- Sir Claud Severn (1911-1925)
- Sir Wilfrid Thomas Southorn (1925-1936)
- Norman Lockhart Smith (1936-1941)
- Sir Franklin Charles Gimson (1941, 1945)
- David Mercer Macdougall (1945-1949)
- John Fearns Nicoll (1949-1952)
- Sir Robert Brown Black (1952-1955)
- Edgeworth Beresford David (1955-1958)
- Claude Bramall Burgess (1958-1963)
- Edmund Brinsley Teesdale (1963-1965)
- Dr. Michael David Irving Gass (1965-1970)
- Sir Hugh Selby Norman-Walker (1969-1973)
- Denys Tudor Emil Roberts|Sir Denys Tudor Emil Roberts (1973-1976)
- Government departments and agencies in Hong Kong
- Financial Secretary (Hong Kong)
- Secretary for Education and Manpower
- Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food
- http://www.info.gov.hk/cso/
- http://www.info.gov.hk/govcht_e.htm Organisation chart of Hong Kong Government
category:Positions of the Hong Kong Government| Chief Secretary
Category:Hong Kong-related lists
category:Lists of Hong Kong secretaries| Chief Secretary
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Wikipedia article "Chief Secretary for Administration".
Last Modified: 2005-11-07 |