Chinese Brazilian
A Chinese Brazilian (Portuguese language|Portuguese: sino-brasileiro or chin??s-brasileiro) is a person of China|Chinese ancestry or origin who was born or is living in Brazil.
- http://www.fundaj.gov.br/china/china04.html A Presen??a Chinesa no Brasil - Pesquisa Bibliogr??fica. Funda????o Jo??o Nabuco/Jo??o Nabuco Foundation of Brazil together with the International Institute of Macau present: "The Chinese Presence in Brazil - A Bibliographic Research".
- http://www.hottopos.com/videtur2/david.htm Padr??es de Linguagem nos Imigrantes Chineses - Diglossia. This is a scholarly article written in Portuguese language|Portuguese, the title meaning "Diglossie - Patterns of Language of Chinese Immigrants in Brazil).
- :Category:Overseas Chinese groups
Category:Overseas Chinese groups|Brazilian
This article is licensed under the
GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the
Wikipedia article "Chinese Brazilian".
Last Modified: 2005-11-07 |