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March 8, 2014
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1 Introduction
Chinese Canadian National Council


The Chinese Canadian National Council (CCNC) is an organization whose purpose is to monitor racial discrimination against Chinese in Canada and to help young Chinese Canadians learn about their cultural history.

The organization was created in 1980, after an incident in September 1979 when Canadian Television (CTV) incorrectly represented Chinese Canadians in an investigative show called W5. In a feature called "Campus Giveaways", CTV used incorrect statistics to conclude that foreign students were eroding white Canadians' opportunities for a secondary education and benefitting from public universities funded by Canadian taxpayers. All Chinese universities students were treated as a foreign student, regardless of their real nationality. The show also made numerous racial remarks about the Chinese students.

In response, Chinese communities across Canada staged protests against CTV and forced the President of CTV publically apologized for the W5 feature. After the incident, Chinese who protested against CTV across Canada staged a meeting in Toronto. The meeting called for a stronger voice representing Chinese Canadians nationwide, thus the CCNC was formed.

Since the formation of the CCNC, it has spoken out against racial discrimination against Chinese in Canada. the CCNC is also involved in controversial issues concerning Chinese in Canada, like forcing the Government of Canada to apologize and redress the Head Tax that Chinese had to paid from 1885 to 1923.

  • Chinese Canadian

  • History of Chinese Immigration to Canada

  • Chinese Canadian National Council Official Homepage

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Chinese Canadian National Council".

Last Modified:   2005-04-13

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