March 8, 2014 |
Chinese people started arriving in Puerto Rico by large numbers during the 19th century. Many of them went to Puerto Rico to work on the island's rail systems of then, just like many other Chinese who emigrated to other parts of the world. Many of the Asia|Asian train workers in Puerto Rico felt enchanted with the place, deciding to stay there the rest of their lives. Their children were among the first Chinese-Puerto Ricans. Although Chinese-Puerto Ricans are small in numbers compared to White or Black Puerto Ricans, nevertheless, they form a structure of Puerto Rican society. Many are dedicated to operating Chinese restaurants, and others work in all kinds of jobs there. Many members of Puerto Rico's Chinese minority have integrated both the Puerto Rican and Chinese culture to their daily lives. However, Chinese girls only marry Chinese boys. But, Chinese boys have married Puerto Rican girls almost since the time that the Chinese began settling there, many of today's Chinese-Puerto Ricans actually have Hispanic last names and are of mixed Chinese, Spain|Spanish, other European, and African or of Taino descent. It shall be noted also, that most Puerto Ricans of other races refer to all Far Easteners as Chinese. Because of this, it must be clarified that in Puerto Rico, many Asians from other different countries also live there. Many Chinese also came from mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan, while other asian groups came from Japan, Korea, other Latin American countries — especially from Cuba and nearby Dominican Republic — and even mainland United States. Chinese Puerto Ricans are also Chinese Americans by citizenship, and thousands of them went to the mainland United States to feel some comfort in life. See also:
Category:History of Puerto Rico Category:Overseas Chinese groups This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Chinese Puerto Rican".
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