Chinese literature
- The Four Books (四書, S? shū) are
- * The Great Learning, (大學, D? Xu?).
- * The Doctrine of the Golden Mean (中庸, Zhōng Y?ng).
- * The Analects of Confucius (論語, L?n Yǔ), a book of pithy sayings attributed to Confucius.
- The Five Classics (五經, Wǔ jīng) are
- * The Classic of Poetry (詩經, Shī Jīng), made up of 305 poems.
- * The Classic of History (書經, Shū Jīng) contains examples of early Chinese prose.
- * The Book of Changes or I Ching (易經, Y? Jīng), a manual of divination based on the eight trigrams.
- * The Classic of Rites (禮記, Lǐ J?) describes ancient rites and court ceremonies.
- * The Spring and Autumn Annals (春秋, Chūn Qiū).
- * The Classic of Music (樂經) is sometime referred to as the sixth classic, but is lost.
- * The Classic of The Way and its Virtue or Tao Te Ching (道德經, Dao De Jing), attributed to Lao Zi.
- * The True Classic of Perfect Emptiness, attributed to Lie Zi.
- * The Classic of Filial Piety (孝經, Xiao Jing)
- * The Three Character Classic
- *The Art of War (孙子兵法) by Sun Tzu
- List of Chinese language poets
- Eight Great Literary Masters of the Tang and Song 唐宋八大家
- * Gui Yiuguang (1506-1571)
- * Yuan Hongdao ( 1568-1610)
- * Gong Zhizhen (1792-1841)
See List of Chinese language novelists
- The Dream of the Red Chamber (红楼梦, also known as A Dream of Red Mansions or The Chronicles of the Stone (石頭記, Sh?t?u J?), by 曹雪芹 Cao Xueqin|C?o Xuěq?n
- Water Margin (水浒传), also known as All Men Are Brothers and Outlaws of the Marsh), by 施耐庵 Shi Naian|Shī N?i'ān
- The Romance of the Three Kingdoms (三国演义) by 罗贯中 Luo Guanzhong|Lu? Gu?nzhōng
- The Journey to the West (西游记), also known as Monkey King and Monkey, by 吴承恩 Wu Cheng'en|W? Ch?ng'ēn.
The above 4 classics are often called the Si Da Ming Zhu or the Four Classics.
- Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio (聊齋志異) by 蒲松齡 Pu Songling|P? Sōngl?ng.
- Jin Ping Mei (金瓶梅), by 蘭陵笑笑生 Lanling Xiaoxiaosheng|L?nl?ng Xi?oxi?oshēng.
- 梁啟超 Liang Qichao (1873-1929)
- 王 國 維 Wang Guowei (1877 - 1927)
- 蘇 曼 殊 Su Manshu (1894 - 1918)
- 許 地 山 Xu Dishan (1893 - 1941)
- 叶圣陶 Ye Shengtao (1894-1988)
- 林語堂 Lin Yutang (1895 - 1976)
- 茅 盾 Mao Dun (1896 - 1981)
- 徐 志 摩 Xu Zhimo (1896 - 1936)
- 郁 達 夫 Yu Dafu (1896 - 1945)
- Wang Tongzhao (1897-1957)
- 郭 沫 若 Guo Moruo (1892 - 1978)
- 老 舍 Lao She (1897 - 1966)
- 朱 自 清 Zhu Ziqing (1898 - 1948)
- 田 漢 Tian Han (1898 - 1968)
- 聞 一 多 Wen Yiduo (1899 - 1946)
- 冰心 Bing Xin (1900 - 1999)
- 沈 從 文 Shen Congwen (1902 - 1988)
- 錢鐘書 Qian Zhongshu (1910 - 1988)
- 张爱玲 Eileen Chang (1920 - 1995)
- 汪曾祺 Wang Zengqi (1920 - 1997)
- 高行健 Gao Xingjian, Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature 2000 (1940 - )
- 林海音 Lin Haiyin (1918 - 2001)
- 白先勇 Bai Xianyong (1937 - )
<!--these are really English literature-->
Chinese writers writing in English:
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Last Modified: 2005-04-13 |