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March 8, 2014
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1 Introduction
Cross-Strait relations


mergeto|Political status of Taiwan

Image:Taiwan Strait.png|thumb|right|Taiwan Strait
Cross-Strait Relations, or Relations across the Taiwan Strait, deals with the complex relationship and interactions between the Mainland China (which sits on the west of Taiwan_Strait) and Taiwan (which is located in the east of the Strait). Prior to 1949, the cross-Strait relations was simple. During the Qing Dynasty (1684???1895) or early post-WWII years (1945???1949), the two parts are nothing more than subnational divisions of a single country; and during Taiwan's Japanese colonial period (1895???1945), the two sides holds ordinary international relations. However in 1949, the Kuomintang (Nationalists) was defeated by the Communist Party of China on Mainland, a government named People's Republic of China was founded in Beijing by the communists, and the government of the original Republic of China was forced to retreat to Taipei. Since then, the two sides have entered a period of unsettled status and special relationship where they are neither in one simple state nor two simple separate countries, therefore the politically correct term "cross-Strait relations" was formed so that the relationship between Mainland China and Taiwan would not be inappropriately referred as "China-Taiwan relations" or "PRC-ROC relations".

  • Political status of Taiwan

  • Legal status of Taiwan

  • Foreign relations of the Republic of China

  • Foreign relations of the People's Republic of China


Category:Cross-Strait interactions

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Cross-Strait relations".

Last Modified:   2005-11-04

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