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March 8, 2014
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1 Introduction
Dehua porcelain factories


Image:dehuafactory.jpg|thumb|right|120px|A Blanc-de-Chine of Dehua porcelain
Dehua porcelain factories are porcelain factories at Dehua, near Foochow in the Fujian province of south-east China. They have produced Blanc-De-Chine, from the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) to the present day. Large quantities arrived in Europe as Chinese Export Porcelain in the early 18th century and it was copied at Meissen and elsewhere.

Cripsly modelled figures with a smooth white glaze were popular as were joss-stick holders, brush pot|pots, Dogs of Fo, libation cups and boxes.

Category:Chinese culture
Category: Pottery

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Dehua porcelain factories".

Last Modified:   2005-11-07

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