Giocangga (d. 1582) was the grandfather of Nurhaci, the man who was to unify the Jurchen peoples and begin building the Manchu state. Both he and his son Taksi went to aid of Nurhaci's uncle Atai whose city was being besieged by Li Chengliang. Because of the pronouncement from a certain Nikan Wailan, who promised the governance of the city to whoever would kill Atai, one of Atai's underlings rebelled and murdered him. Both Giocangga and Taksi were killed in the aftermath.
In 2005, a researcher at the British Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute discovered that Giocangga was the ancestor of over 1.5 million people, mostly in northeastern China and Mongolia. This was attributed to Giocangga's many wives and concubines. It was estimated that the average man in the time of Giocangga would have only 20 offspring as of 2005.
- http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/4396246.stm "1.5m Chinese 'descendants of one man'". (Nov. 1, 2005). BBC.
Category:1582 deaths
Category:History of China
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Last Modified: 2005-11-04 |