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1 Introduction
Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture


Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture (Chinese: 伊犁哈薩克自治州 Yīl? Hās?k? z?zh?zhōu, Uyghur: Ili Ķazaķ aptonom oblasti), in northernmost Xinjiang, is the only Kazakh autonomous prefecture of the People's Republic of China.

  • Area: 273,200 square kilometre|km?

  • Population: 3,880,000 (2000)

  • Capital: Ghulja (Yining City)

  • Geographic coordinates: 79?50'30″ - 84?56'50″ East, 42?14'16″ - 44?50'30″ North

Image:Ilipicture.jpg|400px|thumb|right|Scene from Ili valley

The Ili Kazak Autonomous Prefecture is west of Mongolia, south of Russia and east of Kazakhstan. Its foreign boundary is 2,000 km. Its 8 functioning ports are:
  • Huorguosi (霍爾果斯): directly controlled by Ili; a national port of the first class (國家一類口岸)

  • Duolata (都拉塔): directly controlled by Ili

  • Muzharte (木紮爾特): directly controlled by Ili; a national port of the first class

  • Baketu (巴克圖) of Tacheng; a national port of the first class

  • Takesheken (塔克什肯) of Altay

  • Hongshanzui (紅山嘴) of Altay

  • Aheimubieke (阿黑木別克) of Altay

  • Jeminay (吉木乃) of Altay

Before the Qin Dynasty, Illi was was occupied by the Ussun, a tributary of the Xiongnu. The Ussun was who were driven away in the 6th century of our era by the northern Xiongnu, who established Western Tujue Khanate in 552. Later the Kulja territory became a dependency of Dzungaria. During the Tang Dynasty, the khnate was Anxi Daduhufu (安西大都護府) of the Tang Empire.

The Uyghurs, and in the 12th century the Kara-Khitai, took possession of it in turn. Genghis Khan conquered Kulja in the 13th century, and the Mongol Khans resided in the valley of the Ili. It is supposed that the Oirads conquered it at the end of the 16th or the beginning of the i7th century; they kept it until 1755 as Jagatai Khanate, when the Manchus annexed it.
During the insurrection of 1864 the Dungans and the Taranchis formed here the Taranchi Sultanate. The insurgent Dungans massacred most of Manchu Kuljia's (New Kuljia) inhabitants. It had previously been the seat of the Chinese government for the province, with a large penal establishment and strong garrison. The sultanate led to the occupation of Kulja by the Russians in 1871. Ten years later the territory was restored to China, and its boundary with Russia was assigned in accordance to the Treaty of St Petersburg of 1881.

On January 7, 1912, Yang Cuanxu (楊纘緒) of Illi occupied the Huiyuan (惠遠城) and shot the last Qing Dynasty|Qing general of Illi, Zhirui (志銳).

In July 1945, Jinhe, Bole and Quanxi (精河、博樂、溫泉) of Illi were made into a new autonomous prefecture now not part of Illi: Bortala.
In 1949, Illi was made a special area (專區) of Xinjiang, with one city and 9 counties, and was upgraded to a city in 1952. On November 27, 1954, the Illi Autonomous Prefecture was established to include the prefectures of Illi, Altay, and Tacheng. The Illi Prefecture was abolished in 1955. Its 1 city and 9 counties are now under the direct control of the autonomous prefecture.

Ili's primary subdivisions include Tacheng (塔城地區) and Altay (阿勒泰地區) Prefectures,
Ili also directly controls 2 county-level cities, 7 counties, and 1 autonomous county. (see Political divisions of China#Levels).
Some official placenames below are not in Chinese.
! Hanzi !! Area !! Population !! Uyghur name
Tacheng Prefecture 塔城地區 98824 910,000 Tarbaƣatay
Altay Prefecture 阿勒泰地區 118015 590,000 Altay
Ghulja City 伊寧市 575 340,000 Ƣulja
Kuytun City 奎屯市 1036 270,000 Kuytun
Ghulja County 伊寧縣 4684 390,000 Ƣulja
Huocheng County 霍城縣 5428 340,000 Ƣorƣas
Toqquztara County 鞏留縣 4323 150,000 Toķķuztara
Xinyuan County 新源縣 6818 280,000 K?nəs
Zhaosu County 昭蘇縣 11111 150,000 Mongƣulk?rə
Tekes County 特克斯縣 7772 150,000 Tekəs
Nilqa County 尼勒克縣 10145 150,000 Nilķa
Chapchal Xibe <br> Autonomous County 察布查爾<br>錫伯自治縣 4469 160,000 Chapchal

  • The Kazakh: 25.4%

  • The Han Chinese|Han: 45.2%

  • The Uyghurs: 15.9%

  • The Hui: 8.3%

  • The Mongols: 1.69%

  • The Xibe: 0.83%

See also: Xabib Yunic

  • Official site (in Simplified Chinese)

  • Subdivision info (in Simplified Chinese)

category:Mainland China category:Xinjiang

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture".

Last Modified:   2005-04-13

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