Islands and peninsulas of Hong Kong
The territory of Hong Kong consists of a mainland area and 236 islands. There are several peninsulas on the mainland area and on the islands.
Most notably, the Hong Kong Island is historically the political and commercial centre of Hong Kong. It was the site of the initial Victoria, Hong Kong|Victoria City colonial settlement, where the financial district of Central, Hong Kong|Central is now located. Most of the other islands are commonly referred to as outlying islands.
In terms of the districts of Hong Kong, while one of the 18 districts is called the Islands District, Hong Kong|Islands District, many islands of Hong Kong are actually not part of that district, which only consists of some twenty large and small islands in the southern and the south-western waters of Hong Kong. These islands belong to respective districts depending on their locations.
Partial list of peninsulas - and the district they belong to:
- Kowloon - Geographically, it refers to the area south of the mountain ranges of Beacon Hill, Hong Kong|Beacon Hill, Lion Rock, Tate's Cairn, Kowloon Peak, etc. and covers five districts itself. Historically, only the portion south of Boundary Street was ceded to Britain by the Convention of Peking in 1860, covers only two and a half of the area of the five districts.
- Stanley, Hong Kong|Stanley - Southern district|Southern
- Sai Kung Peninsula|Sai Kung - Sai Kung District|Sai Kung (partly in Tai Po and Sha Tin District|Sha Tin districts)
- Tai Kok Tsui - Yau Tsim Mong, can hardly be identified on maps now, due to land reclamation.
- Cape D'Aguilar (鶴嘴半島) - Southern district|Southern
Partial list of islands (excluding the Hong Kong Island itself) - and the district they belong to:
- A Chau (丫洲, Centre Island) - Tai Po
- A Chau (鴉洲) - North District, Hong Kong|North
- Adamasta Rock (北長洲石) - Islands
- Ap Chau Mei Pak Tun Pai (鴨洲尾白墩排) - North
- Ap Chau Pak Tun Pai (鴨洲白墩排) - North
- Ap Chau (鴨洲, Robinson Island) - North
- Ap Lei Chau (鴨脷洲, Aberdeen Island) - Southern District, Hong Kong|Southern
- Ap Lei Pai (鴨脷排) - Southern
- Bay Islet (匙洲) - Sai Kung
- Bun Bei Chau (崩鼻洲) - Sai Kung
- Bun Sha Pai (崩紗排) - Tai Po
- Cha Kwo Chau (茶果洲) - Islands
- Cha Yue Pai (炸魚排) - Sai Kung
- Cham Tau Chau (枕頭洲) - Sai Kung
- Chap Mo Chau (執毛洲) - North
- Chau Tsai Kok (洲仔角) - Tai Po
- Chau Tsai (洲仔) - Sai Kung
- Che Lei Pai (扯里排) - Tai Po
- Chek Chau (赤洲, Port Island) - Tai Po
- Chek Lap Kok (赤鱲角) - Islands - now assimilated with Lam Chau into the Hong Kong International Airport|airport platform and connected to Lantau Island by two bridges
- Cheung Chau (長洲) - Islands
- Cheung Shek Tsui (長石咀) - North
- Cheung Sok (長索) - Tsuen Wan
- Cheung Tsui CHau (長咀洲) - Sai Kung
- Ching Chau (青洲) - Sai Kung
- Conic Island (飯甑洲) - Sai Kung
- Douglas Rock (德己利士礁) - Islands
- Flat Island (銀洲) - Tai Po
- Fo Shek Chau (火石洲, Basalt Island) - Sai Kung
- Fo Siu Pai (火燒排) - Sai Kung
- Fu Wong Chau (虎王洲) - North
- Green Island, Hong Kong|Green Island (青洲) - Central and Western district|Central & Western
- Ha So Pai (蝦鬚排) - Islands
- Hau Tsz Kok Pai (孝子角排) - Tai Po
- Hei Ling Chau (喜靈洲) - Islands
- Hok Tsai Pai (殼仔排) - Sai Kung
- Kat O Chau (吉澳洲, Crooked Island) - North
- Kau Pei Chau (狗脾洲) - Southern
- Kau Sai Chau (滘西洲) - Sai Kung
- Kau Yi Chau (交椅洲) - Islands
- Kiu Tsui Chau (橋咀洲, Sharp Island) - Sai Kung
- Kok Tai Pai (角大排) - North
- Kowloon Rock (九龍石) - Kowloon City
- Kwun Cham Wan (罐杉環) - Sai Kung
- Kwun Tsai (觀仔) - Sai Kung
- Lak Lei Tsai (癩痢仔) - Sai Kung
- Lamma Island (南丫島) - Islands
- Lan Shuen Pei (爛樹排) - North
- Lan Tau Pai (爛頭排) - Sai Kung
- Lantau Island (大嶼山) - Islands
- Lap Sap Chau (垃圾洲) - Sai Kung
- Leung Shuen Wan (糧船灣洲, High Island) - Sai Kung
- Little Green Island (小青洲) - Central & Western
- Lo Chi Pai (鷀鸕排) - Sai Kung
- Lo Fu Tiu Pai (老虎吊排) - Sai Kung
- Lo Shue Pai (老鼠排) - Eastern district|Eastern
- Loaf Rock (饅頭排) - Islands
- Lung Kwu Chau (龍鼓洲) - Tuen Mun
- Lung Shan Pai (龍山排) - Southern
- Lung Shuen Pai (龍船排) - Sai Kung
- Lut Chau (甩洲) - Yuen Long
- Ma Shi Chau (馬屎洲) - Tai Po
- Ma Tsai Pai (孖仔排) - Sai Kung
- Ma Yan Pai (媽印排) - Tai Po
- Magazine Island (火藥洲) - Southern
- Middle Island, Hong Kong|Middle Island (熨波洲) - Southern
- Mong Chau Tsai (芒洲仔) - Sai Kung
- Muk Yue Chau (木魚洲) - Sai Kung
- Nam Fung Chau (南風洲) - Sai Kung
- Ng Fan Chau (五分洲) - Southern
- Nga Ying Pai (牙鷹排) - Sai Kung
- Ngam Hau Shek (岩口石) - Tsuen Wan
- Ngau Sh Pui (牛屎砵) - Sai Kung
- Ngau Tau Pai (牛頭排) - Sai Kung
- Ngo Mei Chau (娥眉洲, Crescent Island) - North
- Ninepin Group (果洲群島) - Sai Kung
- * North Ninepin Island (北果洲)
- Pak Ka Chau (筆架洲) - North
- Pak Ma Tsui Pai (白馬咀排) - Sai Kung
- Pak Sha Chau (白沙洲, Round Island) - North
- Pak Sha Chau (白沙洲, White Sand Island) - Sai Kung
- Pat Ka Chau (筆架洲) - North
- Peaked Hill (雞翼角) - Islands
- Pearl Island (龍珠島) - Tuen Mun
- Ping Min Chau (平面洲) - Sai Kung
- Po Pin Chau (破邊洲) - Sai Kung
- Po Toi Islands (蒲苔群島) - Islands
- * Lo Chau (螺洲, Beaufort Island)
- Po Yue Pai (蒲魚排) - Sai Kung
- Pun Shan Shek (半山石) - Tsuen Wan
- Pyramid Rock (尖柱石) - Sai Kung
- Round Island, Hong Kong|Round Island (銀洲) - Southern
- Sai Ap Chau (細鴨洲) - North
- Sam Pui Chau (三杯酒) - Tai Po
- Sha Tong Hau (沙塘口山, Bluff Island) - Sai Kung
- Sham Shui Pai (深水排) - Islands
- Shau Kei Pai (筲箕排) - North
- Shek Chau (石洲) - Sai Kung
- Shek Kwu Chau (石鼓洲) - Islands
- Shek Ngau Chau (石牛洲) - Tai Po
- Shelter Island (牛尾洲) - Sai Kung
- Shui Cham Tsui Pai (水浸咀排) - North
- Siu Kau Yi Chau (小交椅洲) - Islands
- Siu Nim Chau (小稔洲) - North
- Siu Tsan Chau (小鏟洲) - Sai Kung
- Soko Islands (索罟群島) - Islands
- Steep Island (青洲) - Sai Kung
- Sunshine Island (周公島) - Islands
- Tai Nim Chau (大稔洲) - North
- Tai Tau Chau (大頭洲) - Sai Kung
- Tai Tau Chau (大頭洲) - Southern
- Tai Tsan Chau (大鏟洲) - Sai Kung
- Tang Lung Chau (燈籠洲) - Tsuen Wan
- Tap Mun Chau (塔門 Grass Island) - Tai Po
- The Brothers (磨刀洲) - Tuen Mun
- Tit Cham Chau (鐵蔘洲) - Sai Kung
- Tit Shue Pai (鐵樹排) - Tai Po
- Tiu Chung Chau (吊鐘洲, Jin Island) - Sai Kung
- Tiu Chung Pai (吊鐘排) - Sai Kung
- Tong Hau Pai (塘口排) - Sai Kung
- Town Island (伙頭墳洲) - Sai Kung
- Trio Island (大癩痢) - Sai Kung
- Tsim Chau Group - Sai Kung
- Tsing Yi Island (青衣島) - Kwai Tsing
- Tuen Tau Chau (斷頭洲) - Sai Kung
- Tung Lung Chau (東龍洲) - Sai Kung
- Tung Sam Chau (棟心洲) - Sai Kung
- Wai Chau Pai (灣仔排) - Tai Po
- Wai Kap Pai (桅夾排) - Sai Kung
- Wang Chau (橫洲) - Sai Kung
- Wo Sheung Chau (和尚洲) - Sai Kung
- Wong Mau Chau (黃茅洲) - Sai Kung
- Wong Nai Chau Tsai (黃泥洲仔) - Sai Kung
- Wong Nai Chau (黃泥洲) - North
- Wong Nai Chau (黃泥洲) - North
- Wong Nai Chau (黃泥洲) - Sai Kung
- Wong Wan Chau (往灣洲, Double Island) - North
- Wong Wan Pai (往灣排) - Sai Kung
- Wong Yi Chai (黃宜洲) - Sai Kung
- Wu Yeung Chau Pai (湖洋洲排) - North
- Wu Ying Pai (烏蠅排) - Islands
- Yau Lung Kok (游龍角) - Sai Kung
- Yeung Chau (洋洲, Sheep Island) - Sai Kung
- Yeung Chau (羊洲) - Sai Kung
- Yi Long Pai (二浪排) - Islands
- Yim Tin Tsai (鹽田仔, Little Salt Field) - Sai Kung
- Yuen Kong Chau (圓崗洲) - Sai Kung
- Channel Rock - Kowloon City - now part of the Kai Tak Airport|Kai Tak former airport runway
- Fat Tong Chau (佛堂洲, Junk Island) - now part of Tseung Kwan O, Sai Kung as a result of land reclamation
- Hoi Sham Island (海心島) - Kowloon City (also To Kwa Wan Island 土瓜灣島) - now part of To Kwa Wan as a result of reclamation
- Kellett Island (奇力島) - now part of Causeway Bay as a result of gradual land reclamation, Eastern district|Eastern
- Lam Chau (欖洲) - Islands district|Islands - now assimilated with Chek Lap Kok into the Hong Kong International Airport|airport platform and connected to Lantau by two bridges
- Nga Ying Chau (牙鷹洲) - now northeast corner of the Tsing Yi Island as a result of land reclamation
- Stonecutter's Island (昂船洲) - a former island, now part of the Kowloon peninsula, following land reclamation
- Tsing Chau (青洲), or Pillar Island - absorbed into reclaimed land of Gin Drinkers Bay (醉酒灣) or Lap Sap Wan (垃圾灣). It is the Kwai Chung end of Tsing Yi Bridge.
- Mong Chau - an island off the hill of Lai King, buried under the Terminal 2 of the Container Terminal.
- Chau Tsai (洲仔) - absorbed by reclaimed land of Tsing Yi Island, near CRC Oil Depot of Nam Wan Kok (南灣角)
- Yuen Chau Tsai (Island House)
The following is a list of the largest islands of the territories, sorted by area (km??):
# Lantau Island 146.38
# Hong Kong Island 80.4
# Lamma Island 13.55
# Chek Lap Kok - the site of the airport platform, 12.70 km??
# Tsing Yi 10.25
# Kau Sai Chau 6.69
# Po Toi 3.69
# Cheung Chau 2.45
# Tung Lung Chau 2.42
# Crooked Island (Kat O) 2.35
# Wong Wan Chau (Double Island) 2.13
# Hei Ling Chau 1.93
# Tap Mun Chau (Grass Island) 1.69
# Ap Lei Chau 1.30
# Tai A Chau 1.19
# Ping Chau 1.16
# Peng Chau 0.98
# Ma Wan 0.96
- Transportation in Hong Kong - for details about the ferry services between the islands and the rest of the territory
- List of buildings, sites and areas in Hong Kong
- List of islands of the People's Republic of China
- http://www.districtcouncils.gov.hk/island/english/welcome.htm Islands District Council website
- http://www.hk-place.com/view.php?id=139 Former islands
Islands of Hong Kong
Peninsulas of Hong Kong
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Last Modified: 2005-11-07 |