List of banks in Hong Kong
Hong Kong maintains a three-tier system of deposit-taking institutions, licensed banks, restricted licence banks and deposit-taking companies. They are collectively known as authorised institutions by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, which is responsible for regulations.
Hong Kong is the financial centre of East Asia. It has one of the highest concentrations of banking institutions in the world. 71 of the largest 100 banks in the world have an operation in Hong Kong. At the end of September 2004, there were 133 licensed banks, 42 restricted licence banks and 36 deposit-taking companies in business, giving a total of 211 authorised institutions, with 1295 local branches. 186 of these 211 authorised institutions are beneficially owned by interests from 31 countries. In addition, there are 85 local representative offices of overseas banks in Hong Kong.
Licensed banks may operate current and savings accounts, and accept deposits of any size and maturity from the public and pay or collect cheques drawn by or paid in by customers.
Licensed banks incorporated in Hong Kong
- Asia Commercial Bank Limited
- Bank of America (Asia) Limited
- Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited
- Bank of East Asia, Limited (The)
- Chiyu Banking Corporation Limited
- Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited
- CITIC Ka Wah Bank Limited
- DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
- International Bank of Asia|Fubon Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
- Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (The)
- Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) Limited
- Liu Chong Hing Bank Limited
- Nanyang Commercial Bank, Limited
- Shanghai Commercial Bank Ltd.
- Standard Bank Asia Limited
- Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited
Licensed banks incorporated outside Hong Kong
- Agricultural Bank of China
- American Express Bank Limited
- Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited
- Baden-W??rttembergische Bank Aktiengesellschaft
- Banca Di Roma, Societa' Per Azioni
- Banca Intesa S.P.A., also known as: Intesa S.P.A.
- Banca Monte Dei Paschi Di Siena S.P.A.
- Banca Nazionale Del Lavoro S.P.A.
- Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria S.A.
- Bangkok Bank Public Company Limited
- Bank of America, National Association
- Bank of Communications Hong Kong Branch|Bank of Communications
- Bank of Nova Scotia (The)
- Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Ltd.(The)
- Bayerische Hypo-Und Vereinsbank Aktiengesellschaft
- BNP Paribas Hong Kong|BNP Paribas
- Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
- Cathay United Bank Company, Limited
- Chang Hwa Commercial Bank, Ltd.
- China Construction Bank Corporation
- China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.
- Chinatrust Commercial Bank, Ltd.
- Commonwealth Bank of Australia
- Rabobank (Co??peratieve Centrale Raiffeisen - Boerenleenbank B.A.)
- Coutts Bank Von Ernst AG, also known as: Coutts Bank Von Ernst SA, Coutts Bank Von Ernst Ltd
- Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft
- DZ Bank AG Deutsche Zentral-Genossenschaftsbank, Frankfurt Am Main
- E.Sun Commercial Bank, Ltd.
- Erste Bank Der Oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG
- First Commercial Bank, Ltd.
- Governor and Company of The Bank of Scotland (The)
- Hachijuni Bank, Ltd. (The)
- HSBC Bank International Limited
- HSBC Bank USA, National Association
- HSBC Private Bank (Suisse) SA
- Hua Nan Commercial Bank, Ltd.
- Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (The)
- International Bank of Taipei
- International Commercial Bank of China Co., Ltd. (The)
- JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association
- Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation (The)
- Mizuho Corporate Bank, Ltd.
- Natexis Banques Populaires
- National Australia Bank, Limited
- National Bank of Pakistan
- Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation Ltd.
- Pt. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk.
- Royal Bank of Scotland Plc (The)
- Shizuoka Bank, Ltd. (The)
- State Street Bank and Trust Company
- Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
- Svenska Handelsbanken Ab (Publ)
- Taipei Fubon Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.
- Taishin International Bank Co., Ltd
- UBS AG, also known as: UBS SA, UBS Ltd
- Unicredito Italiano Societa' Per Azioni
- United Overseas Bank Ltd.
- Wells Fargo Bank, National Association
- Westpac Banking Corporation
Restricted licence banks are principally engaged in merchant banking and capital market activities. They may take deposits of any maturity of Hong Kong dollar|HK$500,000 and above.
Restricted license banks incorporated in Hong Kong
- Aig Finance (Hong Kong) Limited
- Allied Banking Corporation (Hong Kong) Limited
- Banc of America Securities Asia Limited
- Bank of Baroda (Hong Kong) Limited
- Canadian Eastern Finance Limited
- Citicorp Commercial Finance (H.K.) Limited
- Citicorp International Limited
- GE Capital (Hong Kong) Limited
- Hang Seng Finance Limited
- Indover Bank (Asia) Limited
- Industrial And Commercial International Capital Ltd.
- J. P. Morgan Securities (Asia Pacific) Limited
- Kookmin Bank Hong Kong Limited
- Mitsubishi Securities (HK), Limited
- Mizuho Corporate Asia (HK) Limited
- N.M. Rothschild & Sons (Hong Kong) Limited
- Pacific Finance (Hong Kong) Limited
- Scotiabank (Hong Kong) Limited
- Societe Generale Asia Limited
Restricted license banks incorporated outside Hong Kong
- Bank of Ayudhya Public Company Limited
- Bank of Bermuda, Limited (The)
- Bumiputra-Commerce Bank Berhad
- Dexia Banque Internationale ?? Luxembourg
- Hypo Real Estate Bank International
- Kasikornbank Public Company Limited
- Mashreq Bank - Public Shareholding Company, also known as: Mashreqbank Psc
- Pt. Bank Mandiri (Persero) TBK
- Siam Commercial Bank Public Company Ltd. (The)
- Thai Military Bank Public Company Limited
- Union Bank of California, N.A.
- Wachovia Bank, National Association
Deposit-taking companies are mostly owned by, or associated with, banks. These companies engage in specialised activities such as consumer finance and securities business. They may take deposits of Hong Kong dollar|HK$100,000 or above with an original term of maturity of at least three months.
Deposit-taking companies incorporated in Hong Kong
- Argo Enterprises Co. Ltd.
- BCOM Finance (Hong Kong) Limited
- BII Finance Company Limited
- BPI International Finance Limited
- Chau's Brothers Finance Company Limited
- Commonwealth Finance Corporation Limited
- Corporate Finance (D.T.C.) Limited
- Delta Asia Credit Limited
- Edward Wong Credit Limited
- First Metro Int'l Investment Company Limited
- Gunma Finance (Hong Kong) Limited
- Habib Finance International Limited
- Henderson International Finance Limited
- Hung Kai Finance Co. Ltd.
- Inchroy Credit Corporation Ltd.
- Indo Hong Kong International Finance Ltd.
- Korea First Bank|Korea First Finance Ltd.
- Liu Chong Hing Finance Ltd.
- Michinoku Finance (Hong Kong) Limited
- Orient First Capital Limited
- Sumitomo Trust Finance (H.K.) Limited (The)
- Vietnam Finance Company Limited
- Wing Hang Finance Co. Ltd.
Overseas banks may establish local representative offices in Hong Kong. They are not allowed to engage in any banking business and its role is confined mainly to liaison work between the bank and its customers in Hong Kong.
- American International Group|AIG Private Bank Ltd.
- Antwerpse Diamantbank NV, also known as: Antwerp diamond Bank Nv
- Banca Antoniana-Popolare Veneta S.C.A R.L.
- Banca Popolare dell'emilia Romagna Soc.Coop. A R.L.
- Banca Popolare di Ancona Societa' per Azioni
- Banca Popolare di Bergamo S.P.A.
- Banca Popolare di Novara ??? Societ?? per Azioni
- Banca Popolare di Sondrio Soc. Coop. A R.L.
- Banca Popolare di Vicenza Soc. Coop. A R.L.
- Banco Popolare di Verona E Novara S.C.R.L.
- Banco Popular Espa??ol, S.A.
- Banco Santander Central Hispano, S.A.
- Bank F??r Arbeit und Wirtschaft Aktiengesellschaft
- Bank Leumi Le-Israel B.M.
- Bank of Fukuoka, Ltd. (The)
- Bank of Kyoto, Ltd. (The)
- Bank of New York ??? Inter Maritime Bank, Geneva
- Bank of Yokohama Ltd. (The)
- Banque Cantonale Vaudoise
- Banque Privee Edmond de Rothschild S.A.
- Cariprato - Cassa di Risparmio di Prato S.P.A.
- China Development Bank Co., Ltd.
- China Minsheng Banking Corporation Limited
- Credit Industriel et Commercial
- Credito Bergamasco S.P.A.
- D.A.H. Hambros Bank (Channel Islands) Limited
- Depfa Investment Bank Limited
- Far Eastern International Bank
- Fiduciary Trust Company International
- Fuhwa Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.
- Guangdong Development Bank Co., Ltd.
- HSBC Bank Australia Limited
- HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt (International) S.A.
- Japan Bank for International Cooperation
- Kagoshima Bank Ltd. (The)
- Korea Development Bank (The)
- Kredietbank S.A. Luxembourgeoise
- LGT Bank in LiechtensteinAG, also known as: LGT Bank in Liechtenstein Ltd., LGT Banque de Liechtenstein S.A., LGT Banca di Liechtenstein S.A.
- Lloyds TSB offshore Limited
- Merrill Lynch Bank (Suisse) S.A
- Merrill Lynch International Bank Limited
- Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company
- Nishi-Nippon City Bank, Ltd. (The)
- Ogaki Kyoritsu Bank, Ltd. (The)
- P.T. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero)
- Raiffeisen Zentralbank Osterreich AG
- Schroder Bank|Schroder & Co Bank AG, also Known As: Schroder & Co Banque SA, Schroder & Co Banca SA, Schroder & Co Bank Ltd, Schroder & Co Banco SA
- Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co. Ltd.
- Shenzhen Development Bank Limited
- Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd. (The)
- Standard Chartered (Jersey) Limited
- UFJ Bank (Schweiz) AG, also known as: UFJ Bank (Switzerland) Ltd., UFJ Banque (Suisse) SA, UFJ Banca (Svizzera) SA
- Yamaguchi Bank, Ltd. (The)
- Yamanashi Chuo Bank, Ltd.
- Associated Capital Limited
- BGC Capital Markets (Hong Kong) Limited
- Bloomberg Tradebook Hong Kong Limited
- EBS Service Company Limited
- Prebon Yamane (Hong Kong) Limited
- Reuters Transaction Services Limited
- SMBC Capital Markets Limited
- Tullett Liberty (Hong Kong) Limited
expand list
- Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China |The Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China
- International Bank of Asia Ltd.
- National Industrial Bank of China
- The National Commercial Bank Limited
- List of Hong Kong companies
- http://www.info.gov.hk/hkma/ Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA)
- http://www.info.gov.hk/hkma/eng/bank/index.htm HKMA - Banking policy and supervision
category:Banks of Hong Kong|
category:Lists of banks|Hong Kong
Category:Lists of companies by industry|Banks in Hong Kong
category:Economy of Hong Kong|Banks
Category:Hong Kong-related lists|Banks
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Wikipedia article "List of banks in Hong Kong".
Last Modified: 2005-11-07 |