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March 8, 2014
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1 Introduction
Lop Nur


Lop Nur (Lake Lop; alternately Lop Nor or Lo-pu po) is a group of small salt lakes and marshes in the desert in Malan, Xinjiang, in Northwestern People's Republic of China|China. They are located in the southeastern portion of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

The lake system is hydrologically endorheic - there is no outlet. The primary source of water is the Tarim River. Though it was determined to be a single salt lake by ancient Chinese geographers, it has largely dried up from its 1928 measured area of 3100 km<sup>2</sup>.

archaeology|Archaeologists have discovered the buried remains of settlements along its ancient shoreline. Marco Polo passed near the lake, and the explorers Nicholas Michailovitch Prjevalsky and Sven Hedin visited the area.

Since 1964 the lake has been used as a nuclear test site. Until 1996 45 Nuclear testing|nuclear tests were conducted. The headquarters of the test base is in Malan, about 125 km northwest of Qinggir.

  • Information on the Lop Nur nuclear test facility

  • Detailed satellite imagery of Lop Nur site


Category:Mainland China
Category:Lakes of <!--mainland --> China
Category:Endorheic lakes
Category:Nuclear test sites

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Lop Nur".

Last Modified:   2005-04-13

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