The nandao (Traditional Chinese character|Chinese: 南刀<!--,-->; Mandarin language|Mandarin Pinyin: n??nd??o; Cantonese language|Cantonese IPA2|n??m<sub>11</sub> t????<sub>55</sub>, Jyutping: naam4 dou1; literally "Southern Broadsword") is a southern variation of the Chinese sword, or dao, nowadays used mostly in contemporary wushu exercises and forms. Its blade bears some resemblance to the butterfly sword, also a southern Chinese single-bladed weapon; the main difference is the size, and the fact that the butterfly swords are always used in pairs. The main difference with the basic dao is that the nandao is mostly used two-handed due to its larger weight, and it has a large metal crossguard useful in deflecting blows and hooking the opponent's weapon; also, although it is single-edged, the nandao is not curved like the dao.
Category:Chinese swords
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Wikipedia article "Nandao".
Last Modified: 2005-11-04 |