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The two provinces have been effectively streamlined in administration, leaving the two centrally administered municipalities, five provincial municipalities, and eighteen counties as the principal divisions of the Republic of China. Additionally, the ROC has not officially renounced its #Claims over mainland China and Mongolia|claims over mainland China and Mongolia.ROC_divisions_levels This results in a division of the mainland into 35 provinces, different from that of the current PRC system. The number at the end are the amount of entities as of 2004, in areas under ROC control:
The lowest level, the neighbourhood, is not named, but only enumerated (start from one in each village). They number in 146,112 (127,242 in Taiwan Province), under 7,809 villages (6,838 in Taiwan). There are altogether 369 secondary entities (rural and urban townships, districts (of both types of municipalities), and county-administered cities). There are a number cities and counties which are similiarly named, but in the ROC administrative scheme, they are completely separate and unconnected. Tainan City and Tainan County, for example, have no special administrative connection with each other. In most cases, the area designated as the city is much smaller than than the actual metropolitan area, in contrast with the situation on mainland China where the administrative city tends to be larger than the actual metropolitan area. The romanization used for ROC placenames is Wade-Giles, except "Keelung" and "Quemoy", which are the more popular versions of romanization. "Chiayi" and "Yilan" are slightly modified forms of the Wade-Giles version, "Chia-i" and "I-lan", respectively. After Tongyong Pinyin was adopted by the current administration in 2002, most municipalities, provinces, and county-level entities retained Wade-Giles, with the aforementioned exceptions. <table border=1 style="border-collapse: collapse;"> <TR> <Th style="background-color: #efefef; " >Romanization</Th> <Th style="background-color: #efefef; " >Chinese character|Chinese</Th> <Th style="background-color: #efefef; " >Tongyong Pinyin</Th> <Th style="background-color: #efefef; " >Hanyu Pinyin</Th> <Th style="background-color: #efefef; " >Wade-Giles</Th> </TR> <TR> <TD HEIGHT="19">Kaohsiung City</TD> <TD HEIGHT="19">高雄市</TD> <TD HEIGHT="19">GaoSy?ng</TD> <TD HEIGHT="19">Gāoxi?ng</TD> <TD HEIGHT="19">Kao1-hsiung2</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD HEIGHT="20">Taipei City</TD> <TD HEIGHT="20">台北市</TD> <TD HEIGHT="20">T?iBěi</TD> <TD HEIGHT="20">T?iběi</TD> <TD HEIGHT="20">T'ai2-pei3</TD> </TR> </TABLE> In Taiwan Province: <table border=1 style="border-collapse: collapse;"> <TR> <Th style="background:#efefef;" >Romanization</Th> <Th style="background:#efefef;" >Chinese character|Chinese</Th> <Th style="background:#efefef;" >Tongyong Pinyin</Th> <Th style="background:#efefef;" >Hanyu Pinyin</Th> <Th style="background:#efefef;" >Wade-Giles</Th> <Th style="background:#efefef;" >Capital</Th> </TR> <TR> <TD>Chiayi County</TD> <TD> 嘉義縣</TD> <TD>JiaY?</TD> <TD>Jiāy?</TD> <TD>Chia1-i4</TD> <TD>Taibao City</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Changhua County</TD> <TD>彰化縣</TD> <TD>JhangHu?</TD> <TD>Zhānghu?</TD> <TD>Chang1-hua4</TD> <TD>Changhua City</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Hsinchu County</TD> <TD>新竹縣</TD> <TD>SinJh?</TD> <TD>Xīnzh?</TD> <TD>Hsin1-chu2</TD> <TD>Jhubei City</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Hualien County</TD> <TD>花蓮縣</TD> <TD>HuaLi?n</TD> <TD>Huāli?n</TD> <TD>Hua1-lien2</TD> <TD>Hualien City</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Kaohsiung County</TD> <TD>高雄縣</TD> <TD>GaoSy?ng</TD> <TD>Gāoxi?ng</TD> <TD>Kao1-hsiung2</TD> <TD>Fongshan|Fongshan City</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Miaoli County</TD> <TD>苗栗縣</TD> <TD>Mi?oL?</TD> <TD>Mi?ol?</TD> <TD>Miao2-li4</TD> <TD>Miaoli City</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Nantou County</TD> <TD>南投縣</TD> <TD>N?nT?u</TD> <TD>N?nt?u</TD> <TD>Nan2-t'ou2</TD> <TD>Nantou City</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Penghu County (Pescadores)</TD> <TD>澎湖縣</TD> <TD>P?ngH?</TD> <TD>P?ngh?</TD> <TD>P'eng2-hu2</TD> <TD>Magong City</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Pingtung County</TD> <TD>屏東縣</TD> <TD>P?ngDong</TD> <TD>P?ngdōng</TD> <TD>P'ing2-tung1</TD> <TD>Pingtung City</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Taichung County</TD> <TD>台中縣</TD> <TD>T?iJhong</TD> <TD>T?izhōng</TD> <TD>T'ai2-chung1</TD> <TD>Fongyuan City</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Tainan County</TD> <TD>台南縣</TD> <TD>T?iN?n</TD> <TD>T?in?n</TD> <TD>T'ai2-nan2</TD> <TD>Sinying City</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Taipei County</TD> <TD>台北縣</TD> <TD>T?iBěi</TD> <TD>T?iběi</TD> <TD>T'ai2-pei3</TD> <TD>Banciao | Banciao City</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Taitung County</TD> <TD>台東縣</TD> <TD>T?iDong</TD> <TD>T?idōng</TD> <TD>T'ai2-tung1</TD> <TD>Taitung City</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Taoyuan County</TD> <TD>桃園縣</TD> <TD>T?oYu?n</TD> <TD>T?oyu?n</TD> <TD>T'ao2-y?an2</TD> <TD>Taoyuan City</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Yilan County</TD> <TD>宜蘭縣</TD> <TD>Y?L?n</TD> <TD>Y?l?n</TD> <TD>I2-lan2</TD> <TD>Yilan City</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Yunlin County</TD> <TD>雲林縣</TD> <TD>Y?nL?n</TD> <TD>Y?nl?n</TD> <TD>Y?n2-lin2</TD> <TD>Douliou City</TD> </TR> </TABLE> In Fujian Province (Wade-Giles: Fuchien): <table border=1 style="border-collapse: collapse;"> <TR> <Th style="background-color: #efefef; " >Romanization</Th> <Th style="background-color: #efefef; " >Chinese character|Chinese</Th> <Th style="background-color: #efefef; " >Tongyong Pinyin</Th> <Th style="background-color: #efefef; " >Hanyu Pinyin</Th> <Th style="background-color: #efefef; " >Wade-Giles</Th> <Th style="background-color: #efefef; " >Capital</Th> </TR> <TR> <TD HEIGHT="19">Lienchiang County (Matsu Islands|Matsu)</TD> <TD HEIGHT="19">連江縣</TD> <TD HEIGHT="19">Li?nJiang</TD> <TD HEIGHT="19">Li?njiāng</TD> <TD HEIGHT="19">Lien2-chiang1</TD> <TD HEIGHT="19">Nangan|Nangan Township</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD HEIGHT="20">Kinmen County (Quemoy)</TD> <TD HEIGHT="20">金門縣</TD> <TD HEIGHT="20">JinM?n</TD> <TD HEIGHT="20">Jīnm?n</TD> <TD HEIGHT="20">Chin1-men2</TD> <TD HEIGHT="20">Jincheng| Jincheng Township</TD> </TR> </TABLE> In Taiwan Province: <table border=1 style="border-collapse: collapse;"> <TR> <Th style="background-color: #efefef; " >Romanization</Th> <Th style="background-color: #efefef; " >Chinese character|Chinese</Th> <Th style="background-color: #efefef; " >Tongyong Pinyin</Th> <Th style="background-color: #efefef; " >Hanyu Pinyin</Th> <Th style="background-color: #efefef; " >Wade-Giles</Th> </TR> <TR> <TD HEIGHT="17">Chiayi City</TD> <TD HEIGHT="17">嘉義市</TD> <TD>JiaY?</TD> <TD>Jiāy?</TD> <TD>Chia1-i4</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD HEIGHT="20">Hsinchu City</TD> <TD HEIGHT="20">新竹市</TD> <TD>SinJh?</TD> <TD>Xīnzh?</TD> <TD>Hsin1-chu2</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD HEIGHT="20">Keelung City</TD> <TD HEIGHT="20">基隆市</TD> <TD HEIGHT="20">JiL?ng</TD> <TD HEIGHT="20">Jīl?ng</TD> <TD HEIGHT="20">Chi1-lung2</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD HEIGHT="20">Taichung City</TD> <TD HEIGHT="20">台中市</TD> <TD>T?iJhong</TD> <TD>T?izhōng</TD> <TD>T'ai2-chung1</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD HEIGHT="20">Tainan City</TD> <TD HEIGHT="20">台南市</TD> <TD>T?iN?n</TD> <TD>T?in?n</TD> <TD>T'ai2-nan2</TD> </TR> </TABLE> Image:Map taiwan.jpg|Political divisions of the Republic of China Image:&-20013;&-33775;&-27665;&-22283;&-20840;&-22294;.jpg|thumb|250px|Maps of the official borders of the Republic of China include mainland China and Mongolia After its loss of mainland China to the Communist Party of China in the Chinese Civil War and its exile <!-- exile!? should it be a retreat? --> to Taiwan in 1949, the Kuomintang continued to regard the Republic of China as the sole legitimate government of China and hoped to recover the mainland one day. Although in 1991 President Lee Teng-hui stated that the ROC does not challenge the right of the Communist Party of China to rule in the mainland, the ROC has never formally (by means of the National Assembly of the Republic of China|National Assembly) renounced sovereignty over mainland China (including Tibet) and Mongolia (region)|Mongolia. Most observers feel that the ruling Democratic Progressive Party would very much prefer to officially renounce such sovereignty. This extremely political status of Taiwan|ambigious situation results in large part because a formal renouncement of sovereignty over mainland China could be taken as a declaration of Taiwan independence, which would be unpopular among some circles on Taiwan and could likely bring about military action by the People's Republic of China. Accordingly, the official first-order divisions of Republic of China remain the history of the political divisions of China|historical divisions of China immediately prior to the loss of mainland China by the KMT with Taipei and Kaohsiung elevated as central municipalities. These are: 35 provinces of China|provinces, 2 areas, 1 special administrative region, 14 centrally-administered (provincial-level) provincial municipality|municipalities, 14 leagues, and 4 special banners. For second-order divisions, under provinces and special administrative regions, there are counties, province-controlled cities (56), bureaus (34) and management bureaus (7). Under provincial-level municipalities there are districts, and under leagues there are banners (127). Maps of China and the world published in Taiwan sometimes show provincial and national boundaries as they were in 1949, not matching the current administrative structure as decided by the Communist Party of China post-1949 and including outer Mongolia and Tuva as part of China (which the PRC has renounced sovereignty over). Recent moves by the DPP administration have been changing maps in school texbooks and official maps issued by the government to reflect the current divisions instituted by the PRC. Historically the most controversial part of the political division system of the ROC has been the existence of Taiwan Province as its existence was part of a larger controversy over the political status of Taiwan. In the mid-1990s, the provincial government was essentially stripped of almost all of its authority, but it remains a streamlined entity. There has been some criticism of the current administrative scheme as being inefficient and inconducive to regional planning. In particular, most of the administrative cities are much smaller than the actual metropolitan areas, and there are no formal means for coordinating policy between an administrative city and its surrounding areas. However, the likelihood of consolidation remains low. Many of the cities have a political geography which may be very different from its surrounding counties, making the prospect of consolidation to be very politically charged. For example, while the Kuomintang argues that combining Taipei City, Taipei County, and Keelung City into a metropolitan Taipei region would allow for better regional planning, the Democratic Progressive Party argues that this is merely an excuse to eliminate the government of Taipei County, which it controls by swamping it with votes from Taipei City and Keelung City, which tend to vote Kuomintang.
Category:Lists of subnational entities|Taiwan, Republic of China, Political divisions of the Category:Republic of China ja:中華民国の行政区分 zh:中華民國行政區劃 pt:Subdivis?es de Taiwan This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Political divisions of the Republic of China".
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