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March 8, 2014
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology


The Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology of the Hong Kong Government is responsible for promoting the manufacturing, trade, commerce and technology sectors in Hong Kong and foster relations with players in these sectors. In recent years, manufacturing in Hong Kong has moved north to mainland China. The position was created in 2002 by merging the previous portfolios of Secretary for Commerce and Industry (formerly Secretary for Trade and Industry) and Secretary for Information Technology and Broadcasting.

The current Secretary is John Tsang|John Tsang Chun-wah <small>Justice of the Peace|JP</small>.

  • Henry Tang (2002 - 2004)

  • John Tsang (2004 - )

Secretary for Trade and Industry

  • Yue Chun Yi

  • Government of HKSAR

  • Organisation chart of Hong Kong Government

category:Positions of the Hong Kong Government|Commerce, Industry and Technology
Category:Hong Kong-related lists
category:Lists of Hong Kong secretaries|Commerce, Industry and Technology

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology".

Last Modified:   2005-11-07

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