Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works
The Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works, who heads the Environment, Transport and Works Bureau of the Hong Kong Government, is responsible for public works projects, transport related issues and environmental protection. The position was created in 2002 together with the Principal Officials Accountability System by merging the previous positions of Secretary for Transport, Secretary for Works, and the environment portfolio of the Secretary for the Environment and Food.
- Dr Sarah Liao (July 1 2002 - )
- http://www.info.gov.hk/ Government of HKSAR
- http://www.info.gov.hk/govcht_e.htm Organisation chart of Hong Kong Government
category:Positions of the Hong Kong Government|Environment, Transport and Works
Category:Hong Kong-related lists
category:Lists of Hong Kong secretaries|Environment, Transport and Works
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Last Modified: 2005-11-07 |