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Born in a land owning farm family in Fuping, Shaanxi, Xi joined the communist youth club in May 1926. He made two major contributions to China, one as the man who incubated future leaders for China such as Hu JinTao, Wen Jia Bao and, two as the man who proposed and implemented the very first economic zone in China (Shenzhen Economic Zone) which later was used as the model standard for the other economic zones. He was remembered for his friendship to his colleagues, his tolerance to diverse cultures and religions, his idealism of a open market socialist country and his integrity to his beliefs. He was the only upper level leader who voted during the 80s for open reform and got persecuted afterwards for this bold move. His famous lines include, " We need to reform China and implement this economic zone even if it means that we have to pave a bloody road ahead and I am to be responsible for it." which he uttered to Deng XiaoPing when trying to convince Deng of the necessity of market socialism in China. Direct quote form China's New rulers: The Secret Files --- '...Xi Zhongxun (1913-2002), one of the founders of the Communist guerilla armies of north China. When Mao and his troops fled to northwest China on the Long March in the mid-1930s, it was Xi Zhongxun who welcomed them to their new base in and around Yan'an. Xi was briefly jailed during an inner-Party factional struggle at that time, but was soon released and went on to a series of high offices in the reveolutionary movement and the new Communist regime. Xi JinPing was born into the privileged environment of high Beijing officialdom in 1953, when his father was chief secretary to the cabinet. Xi....was purged a second time in 1962, accused by Mao of involvement of anti-Party plot. (Mao accused Xi Zhongxun of sponsoring publicaiton of a novel about his old superior in the 1930s, Liu Zhidan, as a way of trying to rehabilitate the reputation of another former colleague who had been purged in the mid-1950s, Gao Gang. It was in this connection that Mao uttered one of his more famous sentences: "Using novels to carry out anti-Party activities is a great discovery." Mao's purge of Xi in 1962 was a precursor of the Cultural Revolution, which he launched in 1966.) Xi Zhongxun was sent to work in a factory in central China, tortured during the Cultural Revolution, and then placed under house arrest in Beijing for another ten years, until 1977.... Xi JinPing (Xi Zhongxun's third child) was widely liked by a broad cross-section of the old PBSC, including Zhu Rongji, Li Peng, and Li Ruihuan. Even though Xi was one of the provincial leaders least enthusiastic about the Three Stresses campaign, Jiang Zemin also supported his rise......emergence of Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang as the most promising members of the Fifth Generation...and will be a competitor for power' Xi Zhongxun married Qi Xin his second wife and had four children, Xi Jiao Jiao, Xi An An, Xi JinPing, and Xi YuanPing. Other family members: Grandchildren from Qi Xin: Zhang Yenan, Wu Xiao (Hiu Ng), Wu Lafei, Xi Minze, Xi Minzhen, Xi Minzhi. Xi JinPing's wife, Peng LiYuan, is a beautiful and popular folk singer attached to the PLA General Political Department's cong and dance troupe, her biographical material is available at www.chinatv-net.com/all/compere/gx-pengliyuan/ply.htm. Xi ZhongXun retired in Shenzhen and died in Beijing at 89 of kidney cancer that was discovered too late. Image:xzx_handshake001.jpg|Xi Zhongxun 1955 Books relating Xi ZhongXun in English: China's New Rulers: The Secret File, Andrew J. Nathan and Bruce Gilley, The New York Review Book The Origins of the Cultural Revolution, Vol. 3 : The COming of the Cataclysm, 1961-1966 (Columbia University Press, 1997) Please feel free to web sites related to xi zhongxun: http://www.chinavitae.com/reference/index.php?file=prominent-families.html Xi Zhongxun Former Vice-Chairman, NPC Standing Committee Son Xi Jinping Secretary, CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee Son Xi Zhengping Deputy Director, Organization Department, CPC Shaanxi Provincial Committee Son Xi Zhengjing Director, Justice Bureau, Hainan Province Xi Jinping, son: http://www.chinavitae.com/biography_display.php?id=303 http://www.weforum.org/site/knowledgenavigator.nsf/Content/Xi%20Jinping%20 http://www.china.org.cn/english/MATERIAL/76256.htm http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2002-10/13/content_595188.htm http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2005-01/20/content_2488313.htm http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2002-11/14/content_630164.htm http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2003-02/17/content_748664.htm http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2004-02/26/content_2617047.htm more links on Xi Zhongxun and his son Xi JinPing: english.epochtimes.com/news/5-2-6/26291.html Association for Asia Research- Who will succeed Wen Jiabao? Bo Xilai, 56, is the son of CCP old guard Bo Yibo; Xi Jinping, 52, is the son of Xi Zhongxun, former Vice Chair of the National People???s Congress from 1988 to 1993; Wang Qishan, 57, is the son-in-law of Yao Yilin, former Vice Premier of ... www.asianresearch.org/articles/2719.html www.szlib.gov.cn/hh20/english/photoalbum/pages/025_jpg.htm news.xinhuanet.com/english/2004-02/26/content_2617047.htm The Life of Xi Zhongxun As an exemplary Communist, an outstanding revolutionary, and a great political leader of the Party and Military, Xi Zhongxun is one of the main founders of the Shaanxi-Gansu Revolutionary Base Area, the Secretary of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), a committee member as well as the Secretary of the Secretariat of the 12th Political Bureau of the Central Committee, and the Vice-Chairman of the Standing Committee of the 5th and 7th National People???s Congress (NPC). Failed to respond to any medical treatment, this 89-year-old former vice-Premier passed away at 5:34 on May 24, 2002 in Beijing. Born into a peasant???s family on October 15, 1913 in Fuping County, Shaanxi Province, Xi received revolutionary thoughts and took part in some progressive student unions in his early years. He joined the Communist Youth League of China in May 1926, and became a member of the CPC during his detention in KuoMingTang (KMT)???s prison after a patriotic student movement in the spring of 1928. Early in 1930, he was assigned by the Party to do transportation work for the troops in the unit commanded by Yang Hucheng. In 1932, he launched ???the Mutiny in Liangdang County???, and took the post of the Secretary of the 5th branch of the Red Army???s Shaanxi- Gansu Guerrilla. In the September of the same year, he came to the North-Wei River Revolutionary Base Area to be the Political Instructor of the 2nd branch of North-Wei River Guerrilla. In February 1933, Xi became the Secretary of the Communist Youth League in the Central Sanyuan County Committee, and took charge of armed struggles, peasant movements and Youth work. Since March, Xi, together with Liu Zhidan and other comrades-in-arms, started arduous struggles to found the Shaanxi- Gansu Revolutionary Base Area in Zhaojing. Successively, he was a member of the Special Commission, the Secretary of the Military Commission, and the Secretary of the Special Commission of the Communist Youth League in the Shaanxi-Gansu Border Area. Later he became the Political Commissar of the guerrilla???s General Command, the vice-president and finally the president of the Revolutionary Committee. In November 1934, he was elected as the President of the Soviet Government in Shaanxi-Gansu Border Area. Participating in the leadership of guerrilla warfare in the Soviet region and risking his own life in bloody battles, he shattered KMT???s encirclement and suppression for multiple times; eliminating the ideological disturbance of the ???left??? and ???right??? deviation, he enlarged the force of Red Army as well as consolidated and developed the Revolutionary Base Area. Xi devoted all himself to the construction of the Party and regime, and did quite a lot of groping and pioneering work for the consolidation of the red regime and the enhancement of economy in the time of Agrarian Revolutionary War. In the spring of 1935, after the combination of Revolutionary Base Areas of North Shaanxi and Shaanxi-Gansu Border Area into a North-West Revolutionary Base Area, Xi became one of the leaders in the labor union of the North-West division of CPC, and continued his responsibilities as the president of the Soviet Government in Shaanxi-Gansu Border Area. In September 1935, Xi, Liu Zhidan and many other cadres were jailed by the executors of ???Wang Ming???s Line??? in a elimination of counterrevolutionaries. Not until Mao Zedong and the Party Central Committee arrived at North Shaanxi, did they are rehabilitated. Herein was the rare survival of Revolutionary Base Areas, which later became the temporary stay place for the Party Central Committee and the Central Red Army during the Long March and a starting point of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. In January 1936, Xi was appointed the vice president and Secretary of the Soviet Government in Central Shaanxi Special Area. In July he marched west with the Red Army, and worked as the Secretary in the labor union of the Quhuan County division of the CPC, and later the Secretary of the Huan County. In August, Xi was assigned to defend the south gate of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Area by the Central Committee of the CPC. There he took the post of the Secretary of the Central-Shaanxi Division, the Commissioner, the Political Commissar of the Security Command, the Executive of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Area Committee and the President of Party School of the North West Division, successively. He gained high reputation and respect among the people and the Party for his leadership in the military, political and economical resistance against KMT and for his insistence in carrying out the Anti-Japanese national united front. In January 1943, Mao Zedong commended him by writing an inscription in honor of him, which read ???The Interests of the Party come first.??? In February of the same year, he was transferred to be the Secretary of the prefectural Party Committee in Suide and the Political Commissar of the Garrison Command. With in-depth investigation and studies in the countryside, Xi attached importance to the cultivation of working models and carried out Grand Production. What he did strengthened the economical power there and consolidated and enhanced the ???Triangular Organization??? of the regime. During the Rectification Movement and the ???Salvation Movement???, Xi resisted and rectified the ???Left??? Deviation, thus protected the cadres and mass. In July 1945, he was elected the alternate member of the Central Committee on the 7th NPC; in August, the vice minister of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee and the Political Commissar of the temporary command in the Yetai-Mountain self-defense counterattack, which was such a great victory under his leadership. After the victory of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, Xi was appointed the Secretary of the North West Division of the Central Committee, the Political Commissar of the Shaanxi- Gansu-Ningxia-Shanxi-Suiyuan Joint Defense Forces, the Political Commissar of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Field Group Army, and the vice Political Commissar of the North West Field Army, successively. Responding to Mao Zedong???s instruction, Xi planned the insurrection of KMT???s North Shaanxi Security Group, came to Wang Zhen???s aid in 359 Brigade???s return to Yan???an, and joined in the leader group of the Xihuachi Battle. In the late March of 1947, according to the strategic plan of the Central Committee, Xi started to assist Peng Dehuai in the defense of the Central Party Committee, President Mao and the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Area, and had won successive victories of the battles in Qinghuabian, Yangmahe, Panlong County, East Qinghai Province and Sanbian. As a great political leader, Xi made extraordinary contributions to the liberation of the Grand Northwest and the whole China though his joint efforts with Peng Dehuai and He Long in fighting in the Northwest Warfield, in political work such as the new rectification in the army, and in the logistic support for the front. During his charge in the Northwest Division, Xi, together with Lin Boqu, exerted his utmost efforts in the construction of the Shaanxi-Guansu-Ningxia Border Area. Especially in the Agrarian Reform, he proposed to set down corresponding policies according to the different conditions in the old areas, the semi-old areas and the new areas as well as to rectify the ???Left??? deviation. Both of these proposals were highly spoken by the Central Party Committee and President Mao, and were spread to all the Liberation Area over the nation. After the founding of the New China, Xi was in charge of the Party, Politics and Military in Northwest China. He was a member of the Central People's Government, a member of the People???s Revolutionary Military Commission of China, the Second Secretary of the Northwest Division of Central Committee, the vice President and sub-President of the Northwest Military and Administrative Commission, the vice-President of the Northwest Administrative Commission. Sticking firmly to the Party???s basic line of and judging from the actual condition, he steadily accomplished the taking over of the cities, eliminating the gangs, the suppression of counterrevolutionaries and the recruitment of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea in Northwest China. Bearing in mind at the same time principles with flexibility, Xi wisely and appropriately solved complicated religious problems, thus brought out unification among the leaders of minorities, which served as a good basis for the consolidation of the new regime, the founding of the new social morals and the development of economy. In September 1952, Xi was transferred to the position of the Minister of Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee and the Deputy Director of the Culture and Education Committee of Administration Council. In charge of the state???s cultural and educational work in the early years after the founding of PRC, he played a major role in setting down the ???16-word policy???, which had the English equivalence that ???We shall make rectification while making progress, develop on the focal points while improving the quality, and shall never advance hastily.??? He was elected the General Secretary of the Government Administration Council and then the Secretary of the State Council in September 1972; the member of the Party Central Committee on the 8th National Congress of CPC; and the vice Premier and the General Secretary of the State Council, who takes care of the day-to-day work of the state affairs. Under the direct instruction of Premier Zhou Enlai, Xi participated in the formulation of many fateful policies, principles and regulations as well as in the state and diplomatic affairs. The regulations and principles he made set the keynote of standardized state affairs; the thrifty and diligence showed in his work and personal life demonstrated what a model as a servant of people was like. During his 10-year assistance to Premier Zhou Enlai, Xi always did his job with cautiousness and conscience, which won a high acclaim of Zhou. On the 10th session of the 8th National Congress of CPC in September 1962, Xi was involved in a trumped-up case called ???the Problem of the Novel ???Liu Zhidan??????, and was then examined and imprisoned for 16 years in total during the Cultural Revolution. However, he never shook his communist stand and belief and was finally rehabilitated after the 3rd session of the 11th National Congress of CPC. Since the April of 1978, Xi successively assumed the post of the second then the first Secretary of Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, the Governor the Guangdong Province, the first Political Commissar of Guangdong Military Area Command and the first Secretary of the Party Committee. On the 3rd session of the 11th National Congress of CPC, he was additionally elected the member of the Central Committee. Bearing in mind that ???Practice is the sole criterion of truth??? and the Party???s basic line that ???emancipated mind and be practical and realistic???, Xi carried out drastic rectification and skillfully solved the problems left over by history, thus consolidated the unification and stabilized the situation. United with ???a group of people??? in the provincial party committee, he resolutely shifted the work focus to economy. What???s more, he was the first to propose to the Central Party Committee that Guangdong Province shall step ahead of other provinces in the reform and opening-up by combining its own characteristics and cultural and geographic advantages with the favorable situation in and out of the country. This proposal won the approval of Deng, and was made into practice by the Central Committee and State Council when Guangdong turned over a new page in July 1979 as an economic special zone where special policies and flexible methods may be used during its reform and opening-up. From then on, Guangdong Province became a showcase of China???s reform and opening-up, and an experimental region for reforms in various fields, offering precious experience for the general implementation of the opening-up policy. With his open mind, realistic thoughts and sensitive awareness, Xi has performed distinguishing exploits during this historical experience of Guangdong. By-elected as the vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the 5th NPC and then the Director of the Commission of Legislative Affairs in September 1980, Xi chaired the discussion on many drafts of laws. In March 1981, he joined the Secretariat of the Party Central Committee. In June, he was additionally elected as the Secretary of the Secretariat of the Party Central Committee on the 6th session of the 11th National Congress of CPC; and in September 1982, the member of Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee and the Secretary of the Secretariat. At that time Xi was in charge of the day-to-day work in the Secretariat and took part in quite a lot of fateful decision making and problem solving. He threw great energy in resorting things to order after the chaotic years, in enhancing the system reform in organization and personnel, in simplifying the bureau structure and in strengthening the construction of leadership. Constantly devoted himself to the united front and the work of minorities and religion, he made outstanding contributions to the preservation and improvement of the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of CPC, to the consolidation and enlargement of Patriotic United Front, to the implementation of the policies for minorities and religions, and to the construction of organizations for workers, youths and females. Xi attached importance to practical studies and close ties with the mass. Additionally, he put a good number of efforts in tightening the tie among the Chinese in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and overseas. In April 1988, Xi was elected the vice Chairman of and the Chief of the Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs. He personally chaired the examination and approval of multiple laws and regulations, and participated in the exchanges between NPC and the congress of other countries. All he did contributed to the preservation and improvement of the system of People???s Congress and the strengthening the China???s democratic legal system alike Despite his retirement in March 1993, Xi still concerned greatly about the reform and opening-up and the socialist modernization of China. He took an active interest in the founding the socialist marketing-oriented economy, and consistently supported the work and the thoughts of three representatives of the Party Central Committee headed by Jiang Zeming. Through out a 76-year revolutionary life, Xi never waver his loyalty to the Party, people and the Proletarian Revolution. In spite of frustration and even sometimes desperation, he consistently sides with the three generations of political leaders of the Party Central Committee, and sticks firmly to the Party???s basic line. He diligently learns Marxism, with whose stand, viewpoint and method, he sharply discovers and wisely solves problems. Steadfast in his stand, Xi always puts the Party???s interests in the first place while facing with issues that may affect the fate of the Party and the country. He is such a member of the CPC that he bends all himself to the revolution and the construction of China until his last day. Xi is an openhearted and fair-minded man who willingly bears the burden of work and always considers the general interests of the Party and nation. He concerns a lot about people???s needs and troubles, and never seeks fame and wealth. An easygoing man, he has a large circle of friends including workers, peasants, democratic personages, actors and religious personages. Tolerant and generous to others, he protects cadres and cherishes the talented youth; stern to himself, the family and his staff, he is meticulous and precise in his work and thrift throughout his life. With his noble character and sterling integrity, Xi enjoys a high prestige in the Party and among the masses. The life of Xi is full of revolutions, brilliant fights and hearted devotion to people. He has performed indelible exploits for the liberation of the Chinese and the birth of new China; for the socialist revolution and construction; and for China???s reform and opening-up as well as for the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Our Party and nation experienced great loss when he passed away. However, we should strengthen ourselves in grief and strive to build the socialism with Chinese characteristics by rallying around the Party Central Committee headed by Jiang Zeming. Xi Zhongxun is Immortal! politician-stub Category:CPC leaders zh:????????? xi zhongxun Xi Zhong Xun Xi Zhongxun Xi ZhongXun Xi zhongxun This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Xi Zhongxun".
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